Aims and Objectives

Aim of this scientific activity is to promote the field of plasma physics in the country with a focus on space and astrophysical applications. Our long term objective is to inspire the young researchers and students to work more enthusiastically in this field for the development of space research. 

During the past decades, research in the area of space and astrophysical plasmas has gained special attention from the international plasma community. There is vast variety of different forms of matter which vary in composition and characteristics from very tenuous such as interstellar medium (ISM) to highly dense plasmas like the interior of neutron stars and black holes. Additionally, the space research has become important because of its applications to space weather, environment, navigation, communication and industry. 

The major focus of this activity is

  • To get awareness of the recent developments and current international research interests in the field of plasma physics.
  • To develop critical thinking in young researchers/students to formulate the research problems.
  • To provide a chance to young researchers/students to learn the advanced methods of solving nonlinear problems by numerical techniques.
  • To train young researchers for country’s future space research programs and missions.